Features of Battery Charging Alarm
Battery Full Alarm
Alarm in silent mode
Alarm in Vibrate Mode
Speech about full battery
Battery temperature.
Battery Voltage
Battery Health
Battery Tlanguages
Battery Status Progress Bar
Battery Saver Modes
Auto lounch
Plug in and out sound
Speech languages
Your choice Battery Alarm tone
Battery Fast Charging Options.
Very small size Battery Alarm app.
Battery Charging alarm is a small, smart, sleek and very useful elegant app that will help you follow the current battery percentage on your Android device, and even serve as a battery saver.
With this Battery Protector, anywhere every time you will know if your battery is charged enough to play a game, a movie, or to browse the Internet.
Whenever you will put your phone in charging Battery Alarm will play tone when battery will be charged fully. It will also speak about battery full status. There is no app provide this feature.
There is no other battery alarm related app with such intuitive, clean, neat and beautiful interface as Battery Charging Alarm has. The User Interface of this is as simple as possible, as well as user friendly and easy to use.
We will work constantly to improve our app, adding in the very near future new features, like useful battery information, battery alarm at any level, battery saver tips, new widgets, and many more.
Charging Mobile more than required time is a National Waste of electricity. We have habit of keeping mobile for charging at night. After 2 hours of charging the mobile is fully charged and for the rest part of night it is connected without any purpose. As per a recent study approximately 0.014 units are consumed in 2 hours of CHARGING. It looks insignificant at personal level. But see the calculation below. 0.007 watts x 6 hours of additional charging = 0.042 units. In 365 days it is 0.042*365= 15.33 units. Total active mobile users in India only are 1,003,490,000. Suppose only 25 % people have this habit of night charging (actual % is much more) there are 40139600 indians doing it. 40139600 × 15.33 units = 615340068 (units) wasted every year for no reason. And each unit minimum cost 4Rupees then it is 615340068*4= 246,13,60,272 Rupees wasted by we indians. There could be little variation in above figures but it is still huge waste of national resource. Think ab💡ut it. 💡💡💡💡
This app will work as : Battery Alarm, Battery Full Alarm, Battery Status and Save Battery App.